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  • : Ma vie en Pologne
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5 avril 2016 2 05 /04 /avril /2016 14:48

(version française)

How long I have waited to write you. It’s been almost a year now, since the day you made me cried: 24/05/2015. The day when you decided to forget all the wonderful things you achieved over the last years – and that was amazing – to go back into darkness. The day when you and me, our relationship, has been seriously damaged.

The day you called back PiS from the obscurantism and obscurity it was, to be in charge again. Just writing it...I still can’t believe it! Did you really made this happen? Poland…what have you done?

You know, when you decided Andrzej Duda was the good one for you, my heart broke. I was afraid for you. But still, I have waited. It’s usually pointless to react just as the things happens, no one has the necessary distance, perspective. I had to let you a chance, because as every human, I am sometimes wrong, I know that. So I thought “Maybe they will bring some good stuff? Who knows, maybe you will improve on some topic?” I had to, because I love you. And when you love, you just want the best for the other, you know that.

But after almost a year, it’s ravaged and desperate that I have to tell you: It’s unfortunately at least horrible than I thought. If not worst.

I remember you when we met. What a wonderful time. I knew nothing about you, but after only a few days in Poznań, I was writing about you: “One part of my heart will always be in Poland”.

And those words, there were full of meaning, not just a beautiful thought, you know this, because thanks to you I have met my beloved wife. During four years we lived in Wroclaw together. You welcomed me, I felt part of the country, and we got married there. And if today we have decided to live in France, it’s not because we didn’t love you anymore. This decision was based on other criteria’s which concern only us.

So we decided to move way long before elections. But the way you are going? I have to say: it could have been an enough motivation to leave the country. Don’t misunderstand me, I still love you, but how could I live in a country leaded by men and women whose ideology is not only the very opposite of what I am, but also everything I have fight against, everything I fear? I am sad, but you wouldn’t make me feel safe anymore.

With my wife, we are building our future, our family. For us, and for the children we will have, I obviously want a place where we are free of thinking what we want. Where any religion – even the one we believe into – is something only personal, and has no place in a government. Where woman have the same chances in their life, and can decide for themselves. Where there is an opposition to whoever is in majority. Where you don’t make any distinction of origins and religion.

I said “obviously”. I don’t know, all those criteria seems really more than obvious to me, everybody wants the best. But did you recognize yourself in this description, Poland? Because I did not…

And you know what is the saddest? It’s not like you had no alternatives or you are not capable. I saw you can do all of this, I felt it and I know it deeply in my heart.

But you chose the other way: a government who has nobody to stop them, Church that is right back as authority and impose its faith to everybody, authoritarian regime, closed to everything not polish, and woman back home with no rights to decide what to do with their bodies.

I know, you are going to tell me about the “500zl Program”. For every family with two children or more, 500zl per child. Of course I’m very happy for those that will help, and it’s a really big change and if it solve some families ‘misery, I thank you of course! But will you dare tell me into the eyes that it won’t make any – or so little – difference on people to have children? Will you dare telling me that this combined to that law stating that children will go to elementary school one year later is not a way of preventing women to work as little as possible? Will you dare?

And I don’t even speak for homosexuals rights, you were already far from it, but if you continue the way you are, you could declare it a national disease soon. And it has been just a year. What will be your next shameful step?

Poland, I’m not just sad, I’m crossed! Deeply! And you know me, anger is not a usual emotion for me! But what am I supposed to do now?

Since I know you, I’m screaming all over the world how beautiful you are, how you deserved to be known, I have welcomed friends, family, and I recommended you to everyone who was asking about you, I was proud of you!

But now? What can I answer when people around me tells me: “Poland? Isn’t it this second Russia? This other Hungary? They are friends with Viktor Orban right? Isn’t this country where Catholics rules?

Tell me, what am I supposed to say back? What can I possibly answer to convince them that you are not like this? Over the last years you could easily find articles, blogs, newspapers and so on, speaking about you, congratulating you about the progress you made, how strong you were during 2008 economic crises, how European you were.

But now, face it Poland, no one will care about you anymore! You are back in your darkest hours of history to the eyes of the all world!

Are you satisfied by this situation? I guess you are, as the core of ideology leading you now is to “repolonize Poland”. You recognize those words? They are PiS words. Seriously? Repolonization?

Damn, you are scarring me as hell!

So what do we do now? Is it over? Do we end like this? Is it a split-up?

Oh no, certainly not! If you know me well, and read me correctly, you know it: I love you. In every relationships, there are tests, moments where the worst could happen, but if we love each other enough, you fight for a better situation. So know this: I will never let you down, because YOU–CAN-DO-SO-MUCH-BETTER!

But you have seriously damaged us, so now it’s time to grow up. Do you really want to continue this way? Seriously, what is the point? What will be the benefits for you? Do you really want your future children to think “how old and late is our country”? Do you want them to be ashamed of you? Because if we had children, that’s what they would think you know.

We can still be happy together, but we have one hell of a work! Stop being afraid and shy, get up and insufflate all your people freedom, tolerance, peace, health, and don’t be one of those countries that history will remember as an insignificant poor one.

Get up and whisper your children that you need to get rid-off, democratically of course, when it will be time, of the madness of Kaczyński and his disciples: The president himself and her prime minister.

Poland: Don’t be afraid!

Then you will be in peace. In the meantime, I will continue to speak about you as a wonderful country, full of possibility, which is still in construction, that’s true, but will be stronger and better by learning from its mistakes.

As we all did, and will always do.

Love you.

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Thanks for your rich experience and your feedback about it. From my side, i'm not afraid at all to go in Poland anymore ! :)